I feel so sad about the news people in Haiti, CHile and now in Turkey about what happened to their country. Catastrophies and Devastating emotions were things affect in their place. I felt depress when the first time I haeard about what happen. What if that incident happened to our country,how would we feel if we were in their place. Terrifying buildings, Dead People, thousands of injured people and homeless fellow citizens. There will be a lot of people starving, crying, and worst died. Hopefully there will be no incident like this, Thank God that there were no tragic things like that happened here in CEbu, my beloved hometown.
I hope that the government should be alarmed and be more prepared. Since our neighboring countries were already experience the catastrophy like Taiwan who just had earthquake last month. Government should be work this out and mostly our fellow filipino citizens should be the one who will initiate. IF we will wait for the gov't to work in this, then it might be late.
I believe that actions and mostly prayers will helps us keep safe and protected from this horrible situations.