What a rainy day outside, it's so cold and it's been a few days that the rain won't stop. I feel like chilling lolz, but what I want to share right now, is a few tips on how to become SEXY. Before I weight 125 pounds something but now I am just weighing 110 pounds, too bad but I am happy right now since I got the figure that I am longing for.
I started last year when I noticed that I was so chubby to the extent that I can no longer use my clothings anymore since I was so fat. I decided to stop eating sugary foods, oily and delicious foods. I wanted to change my outlook when it comes to FOODS. Even if I really don't like vegies so much but I started to eat that thing since I don't have any choice lolz. Everytime, I went to grocery, I'll make it sure that I bought some fruits, fish and vegies. I started to drink plenty of water for hydration and of course EXERCISE!! After a long run doing those habitual stuffs, it turns out to a new me.
I decided to stick on being a healthy living means heathy me! I am so happy with what I have right now, because for me what you eat is who you are! Avoid smoking too! there's no room for smoker people it just causes a lot of side effects because your inhaling toxins, a dangerous toxins inside your body. Smoking causes aging, heart failures, lung problems, alzheimers disease, memory problems, skin aging, cancer, tumor, infertility and many moreeeeeee..
See what side effects of smoking will lead you if you keep on doing that scary vise.
Smoking can wreck your lungs causes to reduce oxygen available to your muscles used for your sports. I love sports even if I am not really good in sports but I enjoyed playing badminton, swimming, pingpong and more. I even love dancing even if I am not good in dancing. I feel pain for those smokers who can't stop that thing since they are used to that. But what matters is, love yourself and prioritize yourself. How can you love yourself if you won't take care of your health. First of all, you should take care of your body and health. This is very important because as we all know health is wealth. I can't really see any benefits from smoking aside from suffering too many diseases , it even help you to die earlier. Save yourself now and start a new life. QUit SMOKING!! A friendly reminder from me but i respect other people who can't accept my advices, I am just suggesting the better ways to take care of yourself and the last decision will still rely on your hands. Happy reading with my blog!
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