Hi, it's my first blog here in this website, I am so much excited writing a lot in my new blog.
Since it's my first blog in here, I wanted to share some little details about myself.
My name is Irene, 24 years of age. I am interested in reading, writing, listening to music, computers, books, psychology, dogs, health, foods and boys!!! hhahahah. I am single and perfectly happy with my status, I am enjoying myself and with my new career. I just got a job last february as a course consultant in a computer school here in Cebu. I worked in a call center industry for almost 2 years, A great job with great salary but to compensate that great pay of course you need to have a great STRESS lolz,. It's a great opportunity working in a call center since it really offers growth, and fun career where you can meet a lot of people from different walks in life. You will be able to meet different personalities and be able to interact with them. After I graduated from college, I got a job in a daytime but I am not happy with the salary that's why I tried to venture my career in a call center.
A fun experience though it needs a lot of endurance since your work is different. Sleeping in the daytime and working in the night time. Demands a huge stress and I want to give up!! I thought i can find another job that offers regular hours but time goes by and I just enjoyed my job in the call center so it lasted for 2 yrs. and i did not expect that I will stay that long period but time already came and I don't like what I am doing, it caused me to be an insomiac so I decided to stop and find another job who has a decent working hours.
So happy right now that I find that job! I met a set of great friends and very cool people. Even if the pay is not that much compared what i earned before but I can say that I am healthy and free from different aches. I still have lots to share in my life but I am sleepy right now. I will be back tomorrow. I am still looking forward to share a lot of topics and I can't wait to post it for you to read.
Thanks a lot! and Have a great day!
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