Confidence, isn't it easy to develop? I find a lot of people has confidence skills in their own. Different strategies with different techniques, but isn't it easy to master the great confidence. I still find that most people are having a hard time to develop their confidence. They don't even know how to interact to other people who might be a good prospect for meeting and keeping friends and most finding their perfect partner in life.
Shyness, fear of rejection, not good conversationalist are the barriers in getting the great self confidence. We know the lines "Practice makes perfect! Practice everyday in talking to someone who are not your interest, or people whose not your close, someone who you just met with, or people you won't probably meet again so that you won't have a hard deal in talking to someone who are you most interested with. Interacting with another person will help you gain confidence and it even help you feels good about yourself.
Confidence helps you to be more positive and giving you trust within yourself. Helps you feels good and helps you know more about yourself. What you want to do or don't want to do in your life. Confidence also broaden your perspective in life, add more friends, great career and even help you find your perfect soulmate for life. If you're not confident how will you draw people to be in to you, you won't create long lasting attraction. I myself, trying my best to be the most confident girl in town. I admit it, when I was in college, I am timid, shy and very afraid of rejection but later I realize if i kept doing this habitual negative shyness, then how will I grow. I wanted to be mature in any aspects of life, I wanted to enjoy life as much as I can, I wanted to be the best person I could ever be, the best girlfriend, the best daughter even the best friend I could ever be. I wanted to be ME! and I was never wrong, practicing self confidence everyday by talking, interacting, complementing other people helps me feel so good about myself. I am doing again for myself and loving myself is the best gift I could ever give to myself.
I wanted to do a lot of things in my life by achieving my goals everyday. By means of writing, I can express who really I am.
Aside from building self confidence, I am putting much more attention in giving a high self-esteem. Giving value and respect yourself is a worth winning prize you could offer to your friends, family and special someone. I wanted to share this blog so that everybody will be aware what confidence and self-esteem means. I highly appreciated people who has great skills in building great confidence and amazing self-esteem. If other's can do it then why can't I, so start today in building your long lasting confidence and extremely high self-esteem. Building great personality is the best thing you will ever have in knowing who you really are!. Start loving yourself! Happy reading with my blogs!
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